Write down every idea. You never know where an idea might lead.
Innovative ideas require imagination and some of the best ideas may come from unusual wild thinking. In this step, even pigs can fly.
There are no bad ideas when brainstorming. Stay positive and encourage new ideas.
Feel free to expand on other ideas. The goal of brainstorming is to maximize the group's thinking power.
Write words and draw pictures. When others are able to visualize your idea, they may come up with additional ideas.
Don't talk over or interrupt anyone, you might miss a great idea. Everyone should have an opportunity to speak.
State your ideas in a quick and simple manner at this stage so you can move on to other suggestions. This also will help if you are having trouble explaining your idea.
The more ideas you generate, the more likely you are to produce a winning idea. Group similar ideas and work together to generate even better ideas.