“After you create a long list of ideas, start to think about how you will identify which ideas are best. Below are some tips on how to visualize whether each idea is effective, feasible, and original.”

Visionary Turtle

Co-Presenter,  Six Steps To Solve Any Challenge


Think about whether the idea will address the Challenge Project. Your idea should produce the result you hope to achieve. For example, what if one had an idea to encourage fans to meditate during sporting events. While meditation can provide significant improvements in wellness, trying to mediate in a noisy stadium probably will not work very well for most people (and you might miss an exciting play). If you come up with an innovative idea and do not know whether it will work, do not give up. Do your best to study the effectiveness and, if you are still not sure, submit the idea and our judges will analyze it.

Think about whether it is possible to implement the idea. For example, what if no one used electricity on the weekends. While this would reduce the amount of electricity used, the idea is not feasible, people need electricity during weekends. If you come up with an effective idea, but you think it might not be possible to implement it, think of ways to modify the idea, such as a way to reduce the use of electricity during peak times

Think about whether someone already came up with the idea. For example, what if you had an idea to invent a machine that uses electromagnetic waves to see through the human body to identify broken bones. While x-ray machines are an effective and feasible way to diagnose broken bones, the idea is not original. If you come up with an effective and feasible idea that is not original, do not give up. Try to imagine ways to improve on the idea, such as a way to improve the x-ray machine or think of new uses for the technology.